Expert360 are required to check the working rights of anyone doing work through our platform.
Why do you need to show your Working Rights?
It can be a criminal offence in the country where you are performing the project to allow someone to work, or refer someone to work for another business, if they do not have the legal right to work in that country.
When will I be asked to confirm my Working Rights with Expert360?
Expert360 may clarify your working rights at different stages of our platform, including:
When you apply to join our platform during the Vetting Stage
When you apply to a Project on our platform
When you are being awarded a Project
Do I need to have Australian or New Zealand Working Rights to join Expert360?
No. As we are a global network, this means we will have opportunities where working rights in Australia or New Zealand will not be required. In those cases, you will need to confirm your local working rights.
What provides you with the right to work in a country?
Generally, you will have the right to work in a particular country if you are a citizen or permanent resident. Additionally, holders of visas which allow you to work in that country may also be sufficient (depending on the specific terms of the visa). Please contact our team if you have any questions.
Proof of citizenship or permanent resident status in Australia or New Zealand
A single check confirming citizenship or permanent resident status prior to employment is all that is required by Expert360. We will send you this request once it is confirmed you have won a project with a client from the platform.
To confirm Australian or New Zealand citizenship we will request to sight:
Australian / New Zealand Passport
Australian / New Zealand Birth Certificate and a form of photo identification
Evidence of Australian / New Zealand citizenship and form of photo identification, or
Certificate of Status for New Zealand citizens in Australia and a form of photo identification.
To confirm permanent resident status in Australia / New Zealand, we can sight:
Certificate of permanent resident status and a form of photo identification
a passport issued by the government of another country along with a check using Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO).
Expert360 securely keep copies of any sighted documents in our records as proof of work rights verification, for our records only.